Understanding your procedure as well dietary and lifestyle change requirements are critical. Our quality surgeons and highly experienced staff are there to guide you through the process and to answer your questions along the way.
Our Program
Our surgeons perform two types of weight loss surgeries, as well as revisional surgical procedures:
Wellness & Nutrition Class
This class is taught by a registered dietician and an exercise physiologist. The class teaches the diet and exercise habits necessary for long-term success after surgery.Pre-Surgery Class
A couple of weeks before surgery you will meet again with the bariatric program coordinator and registered dietician. They will review the clinical and hospital information in addition to dietary and lifestyle requirements as well as answer any last-minute questions.
One-Month After Surgery Class
A month after surgery you will meet with the registered dietician and exercise physiologist to review dietary next steps and to answer any of your questions.
Our surgeons and 麻豆视频 Norfolk General Hospital have passed a rigorous examination of our clinical quality and program attributes to be certified as a Center of Excellence by the American College of Surgeons. We are also accredited by Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association’s Blue Distinction Centers for Bariatric Surgery, United Resource Networks Bariatric Centers of Excellence Network, and we are a CIGNA Certified Hospital for Bariatric Surgery.