麻豆视频 Halifax Occupational Medicine offers:
- An on-site influenza immunization program
- Employment entrance exams (including fitness for duty and return to work exams)
- Drug screening programs (including pre-employment, post-accident and random testing)
- Substance abuse drug testing, offering fast, accurate results at the point of collection. This product delivers results in minutes, not hours, saving your company valuable time.
- Management of mandated programs, such as OSHA's blood-borne pathogen standards (including Hepatitis B education and vaccination program)
- Wellness-related programs
- Information on any health-related topic
In addition, 麻豆视频 Halifax Occupational Medicine offers employees and employers convenience, quality, value and experience.
- On-site Mobile Unit
- Accessible location
- Curbside parking
- Walk-in service (no appointment necessary for work related injuries or drug screens)
- Coordination of after-hours and multi-site services
- Pre-registration of company-paid services
- Consolidated billing for company-paid services (education, screenings, etc.)
- Availability of on-site medical staff
- Worksite programs
- Staff provider dedicated solely to occupational medicine
- Licensed Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP)
- Occupational medicine "Best Practice" guidelines used in the care and treatment of occupational injuries and illnesses
- Outcome-oriented approach for the treatment and rehabilitation of work injuries
- Coordinated referrals
- NIDA-approved lab services for DOT drug screening
- Competitive pricing
- Cost-effective treatment approach
- Injury tracking
- Immediate follow-up for employees treated in clinic
- Next morning follow-up for employees seen after-hours