麻豆视频 Surgery Specialists offer various services in different locations.
Note: Not all services are offered at all locations.
Services Offered
- Laparoscopic/minimally invasive surgery
- Colon rectal surgery
- Bariatric surgery
- Breast surgery
- Surgical oncology
- Thoracic surgery
- Endocrine surgery
Incision and Drainage of Abscesses
- Office/Operating Room Excisions, Flap Closure
- Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (The first lymph node to which cancer is likely to spread from the primary tumor)
- Pilonidal Cyst Surgery
- Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA), Core Needle Biopsy
- Lumpectomy, Mastectomy
- Axillary Dissection (Removing the lymph nodes under the arm)
- Thyroidectomy (removal of all or part of the thyroid gland)
- Parathyroidectomy (removal of one or more of the parathyroid glands that control the amount of calcium in the blood and within the bones)
- Open or Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy (removal of one of both adrenal glands – which help control the body’s metabolic process)
- Umbilical Hernias (normally appear near the navel)
- Open, Laparoscopic or Robotic Inguinal Hernias (lower abdomen)
- Open, Laparoscopic or Robotic Ventral Hernias (hernia that appears at the site of an incision scar)
- Open, Laparoscopic or Da Vinci Robotic assist, as well as single site Da Vinci Robotic assist
- Trans Abdominal Rectus Release for recurrent Ventral Hernia
Gastrointestinal Tract (GI) Issues
- Laparoscopic or Robotic Nissen Fundiplication (Procedure to Correct Acid Reflux [GERD])
- Open, Laparoscopic or Robotic assist Cholecystectomy as well as single site Da Vinci Robotic assist (less invasive treatment for gallbladder removal)
- Small Bowel Resections (surgery to remove part of your small bowel)
- Gastric Surgery
- Laparoscopic or Da Vinci Robotic Colectomy
- LINX® Reflux Management System (LINX procedure)
Colorectal Surgery
- Hemorrhoid Treatment (banding and IRC)
- Anal Fissures
- Perirectal (anal) Abscesses
- Condyloma (venereal warts)
- Colonoscopy
- Anal Fistula Treatment
- Colon cancer Resection
- Rectal Cancer Resection
- Crohn’s Disease Surgery
- Ulcerative Colitis Surgery
Advanced Laparoscopy
- Lap Splenectomy (spleen removal through several small incisions versus one large incision)
- Open and laparoscopic surgery of the abdomen, such as hernia repair and removal of the gallbladder or appendix
- Gastrointestinal tract and colorectal surgeries
- Upper endoscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Breast surgery for both cancer and benign conditions (i.e. fibrocystic disease)
- Skin and soft tissue surgery