Gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery may be the next step for people who are looking for a permanent weight loss solution after trying nonsurgical approaches, or, for people who have an obesity-related disease. You may be a candidate for surgical weight loss if you:
- Are 100 pounds or more above your ideal weight or have a BMI of 40 or higher.
- Have a BMI of at least 35 and are diagnosed with at least one or more serious obesity related conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or sleep apnea.
- Have no severe medical, psychological or emotional conditions that would render surgery too risky.
- Have no dependence on drugs or alcohol, or have been sober for a year.
- Have tried and failed at previous efforts to lose weight.
- Understand the seriousness of the surgery and the necessity for a lifelong personal commitment to a healthier diet and lifestyle.
- Have obesity-related physical problems that interfere with employment, walking or family function
Remember: There are no guarantees for any method, including surgery, to produce and maintain weight loss. Success is possible only with maximum cooperation and commitment to behavioral change and medical follow-up -- and this cooperation and commitment must be carried out for the rest of your life. 麻豆视频 offers personalized support following weight loss surgery, including support groups, counseling, nutrition and fitness programs for a successful weight loss goal.
- How would I benefit surgical weight loss?
- In my current health condition, what are the best options for me?
- Am I a candidate for a particular surgical procedure?
- What other health considerations should I have regarding surgery?
- What are the other steps I should take to prepare for the operation?
- Over one-third of the people who have gastric bypass develop gallstones.
- People who have had this surgery are more likely to develop liver problems.
- Between 10% and 20% require a second surgery to repair a complication. The most common complication is a hernia.
- It is also possible for the staples to pull loose (so there is no longer a pouch).
- It is possible for a leak to occur from the stomach or intestine into the abdominal cavity. This will result in a serious infection called peritonitis.
- There is a very small risk of death from the surgery. About 1 in 2,000 (0.5%) people die from the surgery.
- Other risks associated with major surgery include infection in the incision, an abscess inside the abdomen, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
There may be other complications - be sure to discuss concerns with your physician.